How am I assessed?

By Ashley Philpott

Ok, so you are interested in doing an ALD qualification and you are wondering what is assessment and how will I be assessed. Assessment quite simply is looking at what you do and seeing if that makes the educational standards specified in whatever qualification you are doing or, assessment might sometimes be against your internal personal qualities and attributed or values and ethics of your business, or some internal standards set.

In the former, these criteria are very set out by the institute of leadership and management for example, and the standard system would be, you would attend a workshop, off the back of that workshop of learning you would be required to go away and write some homework literally on a particular topic like conflict for example. You would answer all those questions, they would get marked by a qualified assessor, then we would feedback the results to you. hopefully you will be successful and score enough points on your assessment to pass that particular topic area, we call them units. If not, and you get referred, it would perhaps be on one question or one and two, you would just resubmit those two questions and they get remarked and hopefully this time the feedback you get from our qualified assessors, you will make the grade if you like, get the pass mark and then you can move onto the next unit.

There are other types of assessments, some of you may be used to or remember vocational assessments. That’s where an assessor will watch you carry out some skills in the workplace and then decide whether those skills meet the skillset criteria, as that’s very practical, vocational assessment. Also, sometimes assessment may require you to gather evidence from the workplace, and then the assessor will look at that evidence and decide whether the evidence meets the required standards.

Assessment normally takes about 4 weeks for us to get the results back to you, after your submission date. So, if you did a module, let’s say that was week one, we would expect you to submit your coursework at week 4-5 and then 4 weeks after that you should be getting your results.

So, there are different types of assessments and different ways of doing it, and always talk to us particularly if you are a business, you are putting twelve managers on a course, we have got to think about the operational impact of doing that. So, we will talk to you and find an assessment process and a training process that does not interfere too much with the operational of your business and minimise the impact.

So, if you are interested get back to us at ALD and we can talk about what assessment process would fit your business for the least impact. I look forward to speaking to you.

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